Sold!Buy one like this
I want to sell a machine like this
- CNC Multi Spindle
- Gildemeister
- GM 20
- Multi Spindle Bar
- 20mm
- 2005
- Spindle Size: 20mm
Number of Spindles 6Spindle Passage 20 Mm
Turning Length 100 Mm
Longitudinal Slide -Travel 86 Mm
Lateral Slide 42 Mm
Travel of Compound Slide-Rest 50 Mm
Turning Speeds 420-5000 U/Min
Power Capacity 11 Kw
Total Power Requirement Kw
Weight of the Machine Ca. 6 T
Dimensions of the Machine Ca. 5,8X1,5 M Loader
with loading magazine IEMCA PRA 52 P
some turning holders
2 steps back drilling unit
multi turning and twinge unit on unit 3
Machine is in very good condition.
All Available Tool Holders
Two (2) Cross Drilling Units
Four (4) Live Centers
Two (2) Milling Devices for Slide