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- CNC Swiss
- Citizen
- M-16
- Lathe - CNC
- 16mm
- 2002
- C Axis:
- Live Tooling:
(1) Used Citizen Model M-16 CNC Swiss Type Automatic Lathe, New in 2002Specifications:
Bar Capacity 0.629"
Max. diameter . 0.629"
Length/chucking 7.874"
Mountable tools 18
Collet Type TF20
Tools Rotary and Shank
Tools by Position
Turret 10 Turning or Rotary
Slide-2 5 Turning / 4 Rotary
Slide-3 3 Turning / 2Rotary
Spindle motor 5 HP
Spindle speed 10,000 RPM
Spindle C-Axis 0.001" degrees
Back spindle speed 6,000 RPM
Machine Weight 6,000 Lbs.
Floor Dimensions 91" L x 47" W x 68" Ht.
Equipped With:
Control: Cincom - PC-Based Controller
Up to 13 Programmable Axes
Synchronous and Superimposed Operations
A Axis for Robotic Arm
Workpiece Pick-off
In-Process Gauging
Automatic Tool Measurement
Front and Back Work Performed Simultaneously
Coolant System
CAV16M-IS Magazine Barfeeder