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- CNC Machine
- Index
- ABC Speedline
- Lathe - CNC
- 42mm
- 1999
turning diameter 42 mmturning length 250 mm
control INDEX C 200-4
diameter of main spindle 42 mm
turning speeds 6300 U/min
bearing diameter 85 mm
drive capacity - spindle motor 13/21 kW
Torque 62-102 Nm
bar diameter 42 mm
travel -x axis 90 Rev. 1 mm
travel -z axis 280 Rev 1 mm
rapid power traverse in X-and Z direction 24 Rev 1 m/min
turret (x-stations) 8pos. Rev. 1
travel -x axis 80 Rev. 2 mm
travel -z axis 80 Rev. 2 mm
turret (x-stations) 6pos. Rev. 2
rapid power traverse in X-and Z direction 16/24 Rev. 2 m/min
weight of the machine ca. 2,5 t
dimensions of the machine ca. 2,5 x 1,25 x 1,75 m
Thinking about selling