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- CNC Machine
- Mazak
- Quick Turn 350
- Lathe - CNC
- 4.1"
- 1999
Mazak QT 350 CNC Turning CenterControl: Fusion 640T
Max Swing 25.93"
Max Cutting Diameter 15.35"
Max Cutting Length 48.03"
X Axis Travel 10.63"
Z Axis Travel 48.03"
Spindle Nose A2-8"
Spindle Bore 4.4"
Turret Positions 12/24 Stations
Spindle Speeds 6 To 2500 RPM
Spindle Motor 35 Horsepower
12" Chuck, Fusion Control, 4.1" Spindle Bore, 25" Swing
Big Bore